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Here I describe my understanding and the way Astrology is part of my practice.


Astrology is my second great passion. My interest in it, dates back to early childhood. Something intuitively drew me to this profound science.


My understanding of the truth of astrology is again based on a scientific approach. I don't go into anything with blind faith. The idea of the constellations and their pictures, the names of which everyone has heard, appeared at a time when people had an idea of the sky as a plane, and the stars located on it in one plane and dimension formed these shapes...


Today, however, we know that this is not the case, and most of the stars involved in these constellations have nothing in common with each other and are located at vast distances in real three-dimensional space.


How then is astrology so accurate and true? Well, it is because it mainly analyzes the planets in our own solar system. These planets exist. They are really big and close to us. Each of them has its own resonant frequency, such as that of the Earth, which we call the Schumann frequency or Schumann resonance - 7.83 Hz.

In real conditions, each of the planets interacts with the others through its frequency. Some of these frequencies overlap and amplify, others cancel each other out. And in all this wave-vibrational "soup" we are immersed.


Everything in this world is energy, vibration, frequency. Taking the position of the planets at the time of one's birth as one's ideal conditions, whenever the configuration or position of an individual planet is similar to that in the natal chart, one will have an uplift in the sphere of influence characteristic of that planet and frequency.


We know that our brains operate at extremely low frequencies (ELF). Inspiration, joy, enthusiasm or sadness – each of these emotions has its own brain wave frequency signature and can be stimulated by our surroundings.


I look at a person's astrological chart as a physicist would look at a system of wave interactions.

The methodology is my own, as is the point of view, and over the years it has proven to be extremely accurate and precise.

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